About Getting to Zero
There are multiple key parts that need to work together in Getting to Zero. The goal of Getting to Zero is to have no new HIV infections in Maryland to help the country end the HIV epidemic.

Key Facts
There are 4 key approaches in Getting to Zero: test, protect, treat, and respond.
Everyone, age 13 – 64 years old should be tested for HIV every year based on an individual’s risk
PrEP, PEP, TasP and U = U are all ways to prevent new HIV infections
People newly diagnosed with HIV should start on antiretroviral therapy (ART) right away
People who are HIV positive need to remain in care and take medication every day
About Getting to Zero
Getting to Zero is part of an initiative focused on ending new HIV infections. This is a program focusing on 48 counties and 7 rural states. Baltimore City, Montgomery County and Prince George’s County are the areas of focus in Maryland.
What is Getting to Zero?
Getting to Zero is a part of a federal government plan to end the HIV epidemic in the United States. There are 4 key parts that need to happen all at the same time to stop new HIV infections:
- Everyone age 13 and older should be tested for HIV every year, everyone should know their HIV status
- If you are HIV-negative, use PrEP, PEP or condoms to prevent HIV infection
- If you are HIV-positive, take your antiretroviral treatment (ART) every day
- Get into care and keep your appointments with your health care team
Who should be a part of Getting to Zero?
It will take everyone working together to end the HIV epidemic in Maryland:
- HIV-negative and HIV-positive individuals,
- Primary care providers; and
- HIV providers
How can you help with Getting to Zero?
If you are HIV-negative and have risk for HIV infection you can prevent HIV in many ways:
- Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
- Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
- Condoms
- Decreasing your number of sex partners
- Using clean works and stop sharing needles for people who inject drugs
If you are HIV positive you can help stop the spread of HIV by:
- Taking your antiretroviral therapy (ART) every day and having an undetectable viral load
- Keeping all of your health care visits
Where are we at in Getting to Zero?
Baltimore City and the State of Maryland are working closely together to end the HIV epidemic. Together we are increasing places that offer free HIV testing and locations that offer PrEP and PEP services for HIV-negative individuals. We are looking to provide support for HIV-positive individuals who are out of care and not keeping provider visits to help get them back into care
When will we Get to Zero?
The plan for the federal government to end the HIV epidemic for the entire country is to decrease the number of new HIV infections by 90% in the next 10 years.